Although they can be frightening to consider, dental emergencies do happen. You can save time, money, and possibly your oral health, if you know how to spot an emergency and act quickly. If you require emergency dentistry in South Sioux City, our staff at Bridgeview Family Dental is ready and knows exactly what to do to save your smile.
How Do I Know What is a Dental Emergency?
In the past six months, up to 22% of people have had a dental mishap or suffered excruciating tooth pain. Although many unexpected dental situations call for emergency dentistry, not all of them do. Maye sure you know what constitutes an emergency and what does not before spending time and money visiting an office.
Dental Emergencies Are…
Circumstances where a person experiences an accident that damages their teeth or is in excruciating agony because of an infection can be considered an emergency. Generally speaking, bleeding and severe, acute pain are clear indicators that you need to see a dentist immediately.
What Can Wait for an Appointment?
Situations where your teeth and general well-being are not in imminent risk can usually wait. People constantly have tooth pain, for instance, and while moderate dental pain does necessitate a visit to the dentist, you could definitely schedule an appointment.
As long as you are not in discomfort, chipped or broken teeth can typically wait for an appointment. Lastly, while losing a crown or filling should be treated right away, in these situations it may be fine to wait for an appointment.
Common Dental Emergencies Include:
- Tooth loss
- Serious infections
- Broken teeth
- Severe, ongoing pain
- Unusual sensitivity
- Tooth abscess
Do You Have a Dental Emergency in Sioux City, IA?
In the event of a dental emergency, prompt care is essential to preserving your smile. Put your trust in the professionals who possess the knowledge and expertise to provide you with the care you require at the appropriate time. If you have a dental emergency, give Bridgeview Family Dental a call right now!